i picture her feet landing softly on plush, white clouds with the sun setting radiantly above, spraying hues of orange, pink, and yellow: all of her favorite colors.
she has the clear blue sky all around her and sees the birds playing cheerfully down below.
she sees the tiny cars and tiny people bustling around beneath her like little ants, and like little ants, these people will soon finish their small journeys and rise up to join her.
she plays under the watchful eyes of the sun and the stars, jumping across clouds, feeling the warmth on her shoulders from the sun and the gentle breeze at night.
she meets old companions and rushes to greet them with long-awaited hugs and tells them stories from the distant past.
she watches us from above and smiles when we sing, picks us up when we fall, frowns when we cry and waits patiently for the day we rise.
Author's note:
A mother thinks about her daughter.